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Miroku chokes

Gordon R

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I have just bought a Miroku MK 38 Trap with Teague chokes.


There are 8:-


5 of the chokes bear the serial number M.70185 (which is the barrel number), the rest are M.55217.


I don't know whether that means that the latter 3 are standard Teague chokes for a Miroku - purchased later. There is no full choke. I am in the market for a full, but don't know whether this is a standard Teague Miroku choke (M.55217).

or whether they are unique to my gun.


If anyone has a Teagued Miroku, with chokes which were bought after they purchased their gun, I would appreciate knowing if (M.55217)is a standard choke for Mirokus.

Edited by Gordon R
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Gordon, A couple of things spring to mind. As you probably know Miroku trap guns are originally fixed choke so the gun has been Teagued and I think the chokes are peculiar to Teague. In other words they are not Invector+ which Miroku sporters use.

Try an Invector+ to see if it fits but otherwise give Nigel Teague a ring,I am sure with the serial number he can give you all the info you want.

Tel:- 01454 260226



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