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My first Mallard

Ireland's Finest!

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I shot my first mallard in about 3 years and only my 2nd and 3rd ever. Me and my auld boy sat at a hole of water yesterday evening, we were there at about 5 o clock and at about quarter to 6 we were thinking of packing up when we heard a loud splash on the water it was fairly dark at this stage, we could see two mallard for a few seconds then they just went out of sight. We waited for about 10 minutes then they got up I stepped up took a shot, Bang, splash, got one. I went over it was a drake lying stone dead in the water then beside it I couldnt believe it a duck, I had some how managed to shoot both of them with one shot, my father was amazed in all his 30 years shooting he said he never saw anything like it. I was absolutely delighted my first duck in two years and I was only about 15 when I shot my first dont really remember it too well, yesterday was just unbelievable.



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Well done. Nice springer how do you find him?



Cheers! To be honest I never work Springers(she was just in picture) I find them too strong headed and my experience of them is they work too far ahead of you and they end up putting birds up, 40 to 50 yrds in front of you.


I always work German pointers best dog there is in my opinion :good::good:

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Cheers! To be honest I never work Springers(she was just in picture) I find them too strong headed and my experience of them is they work too far ahead of you and they end up putting birds up, 40 to 50 yrds in front of you.


I always work German pointers best dog there is in my opinion :good::good:


I have heard that the german pointers are great alrite. The problem with springers is that they need to be well trained as they are a flushing dog. I use springers and find them excellent but I do keep them working very tight to me as they will move out to flush a bird if he's close. A well trained springer with good drive is very special to watch.

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I had my first Mallard of the season the friday before last walking some renes with the Springer, I had a left/right that I rarely manage on pigeon let alone wildfowl, I don't know who was more shocked...me or the mutt :lol:, she done well though retrieving both :good:


Well done on yours :good:

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