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This current climate of racial problems has got me thinking. It is obvious that certain ethnic minorities are not happy with their lot in this country. So I have come up with a few ideas. Now don't you go calling me a racist because i will object to that strongly. I would rather be called a problem solver. It is all well and good people saying "go back home" but if they did then we would lose a big part of what Britian has become. We would lose our diversity.

What i propose is encouraging various other ethnic minorites to settle in this country. Take for instance your eskimos. When was the last time you saw Nanuck of the north parading around Trafalgar square with a placard inciting racial hatred?

They are not spongers, when was the last time you heard of an unemployed eskimo down the benefit office? And as far as I can remember I have never heard of one wanting to blow himself up and disrupt commuter traffic for the day. There might be a couple of down sides such as finding accomodation for them when their house melts in the summer and making sure you bring the washing in when they start smoking the whale blubber but that is all part of live and let live isn't it?


How about starting an "Indian swap" scheme with America? We can sent them a disolusioned gentleman with a moustache and a chip on his shoulder and in return they can send us a red indian, or native American indian as I believe the politically correct terminology is now.

This could ease housing in the cities as the N.A.I. could live on the New Forest. Instead of Buffalo they could have New Forest pony to eat. There are plenty of campsites we could put them on (it would be just like the reservations back home!). Imagine the tourist attractions that could get going. Upon returning from your holiday you would be laden down with authentic New forest dream catchers.

The down side to this would be that when you went camping you would all have to park your cars in a circle and pitch the tents in the middle. Obviously the British language would have to be altered slightly. Imagine upon leaving the pub late on a Friday night and looking for an Indian you end up in a tepee being scalped. Not to mention popping down to the Indian shop and returning dressed like pochanontus because they had run out of semi-skimmed


Now as I said before it is all to easy to be negative so lets be a bit more positive................




Tounge was firmly planted in cheek as I was writing this.

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I am confident the reason we do not have any Eskimos or American Indians is because they cannot survive in our country:


Eskimos are adapted to the cold and fish for food- If they took a heated car to order a drive through big mac they would probably spontaneously combust before spotty Sid can ask if they want fries.


Native Americans rely solely on the buffalo of which we have few. They are land lovers and believe that all land and animals (other than buffalo) belong to man- therefore if I was to go and set up a hide on the local farm to shoot a few pigeons I may find myself going home with no forehead!


What we need to do is stop giving anybody who is not an English Citizen benefits- I am quite happy for the very educated and talented 'Muhammed' to perform open heart surgery on me one day in return for him to live a happy life in this country- I am not however, happy for 'Mudickhead' to come over and within one year own a London Flat and have free driving lessons whilst remaining unemployed and planning terrorist attacks.

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I am confident the reason we do not have any Eskimos or American Indians is because they cannot survive in our country:


Eskimos are adapted to the cold and fish for food- If they took a heated car to order a drive through big mac they would probably spontaneously combust before spotty Sid can ask if they want fries.


Native Americans rely solely on the buffalo of which we have few. They are land lovers and believe that all land and animals (other than buffalo) belong to man- therefore if I was to go and set up a hide on the local farm to shoot a few pigeons I may find myself going home with no forehead!


What we need to do is stop giving anybody who is not an English Citizen benefits- I am quite happy for the very educated and talented 'Muhammed' to perform open heart surgery on me one day in return for him to live a happy life in this country- I am not however, happy for 'Mudickhead' to come over and within one year own a London Flat and have free driving lessons whilst remaining unemployed and planning terrorist attacks.

Gosh i aint clever enuff for all this talk I just gonna keep killin my wabbits :(

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I am confident the reason we do not have any Eskimos or American Indians is because they cannot survive in our country:

Probably get diseases they've no immunity to from us nasty old whiteys, seem to recall it happened once before when the settlers in America all but wiped out the indigenous population in various ways in a genocidal attack that made Hitler and Stalin look like saints by comparison!!


I'm all in favour of us encouraging Swedish nymphomaniacs to come and live here, when I say here, I'm talking my house you understand :( :lol:???


Anyone else thinking of opening a brothel under the new "2 girl one protector" scheme the government are proposing ? Sounds good to me, I'm already looking into buying the houses each side of John Prescott for just that purpose, anybody interested in a few shares ? ???;)

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I am confident the reason we do not have any Eskimos or American Indians is because they cannot survive in our country:


Eskimos are adapted to the cold and fish for food- If they took a heated car to order a drive through big mac they would probably spontaneously combust before spotty Sid can ask if they want fries.


Native Americans rely solely on the buffalo of which we have few. They are land lovers and believe that all land and animals (other than buffalo) belong to man- therefore if I was to go and set up a hide on the local farm to shoot a few pigeons I may find myself going home with no forehead!

Personnaly I feel that any group of people who can live off snow and polar bear poo are well 'ard and will have no problem living here. And more to the point they are not going to be driving are they? That would be just plain daft, they are going to fit wheels to the bottom of the sleds and have the dog pull them through the golden arches.

"2 fish burgers to go"

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I'm already looking into buying the houses each side of John Prescott for just that purpose, anybody interested in a few shares ? ???;)

Ha! I remember that stuffed tailors dummy telling us that they couldn’t move diddycoys on if they parked their caravans on the verges of our countryside.

So some bright spark in the media parked a caravan on the grass verge outside Prescott’s house…… ??? …..took about 3 minutes for the police to move it. :(

No lads, these brothels will be set up in areas where the likes of you and I live, and will be as far away from anywhere our glorious leaders live as possible.

After all, they can’t have anything like a brothel near them can they……national security and all that. :lol:


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