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Russian Riflescope for swap.


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This is a unique opportunity to own a Quality Russian military scope. It has been on my .243 and I have taken it off because I have been given new one.

Have put the details below. Give say a price of £120 but it may well be worth a lot more. Want to swap for a shotgun in any bore, Air Rifle, shooting clothing or something else shooting related. Go on make me an offer.


Here are the details I have found out.


3-9x39 - made by "ZOMZ", (Zagorskij optiko-mehanicheskij zavod) - Zagorsk, Russia somewhere in 90's. ZOMZ is famous for their military optics for Soviet and now Russian army. Has classic German #1 crosshair reticule, variable power from 3 till 9 and blue-tinted color lenses for visual performance enhancement. Can be mounted on standard 1" mount rings.

Its a good piece of glass. Has the odd scratch on the outside metal but glass seems fine. Good on high magnification.

I think this may be a real quality scope any comments would be appreciated.


PM me and I will send you some photos.



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