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few bits for sale


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hi all few bits to clear out!


1st. is a redhead realtree coat with bonedry and sent lock windproof&waterproof size xxxl a friend asked me to sell this as he's lost a bit of weight now and it no longer fits him, its brand new only been out of the packet for me to photograph £100 posted £90 collected.


2nd. kleen bore rifle cleaning kit cal 223. poss 222 22-250 had this for a while and again its unused NOW SOLD TO TICK MANY THANKS.


3rd.is what i belive to be a 410 cleaning kit, consits of rod brush some patches tube of rem oil and a tub of brite bore solvent and choke tube cleaner again looks unused but i think a brush and some patches have been used in another kit NOW SOLD PENDING PAYMENT.


4th. i have some 410 lyalvale blanks/unloaded shells the primers are in but no shot wads or powder and are un crimped would be ideal for some home loads! £free to collect or you pay the postage.


thanks for looking atb jntree.>>pics again!!<<

Edited by jntree
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