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Conservative view on shooting?

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You're in safer hands with the conservatives. David Cameron is a hunter himself, so I seriously doubt he'll let much slip past him.


When Roul Moat did his rounds a while ago, David Cameron quite rightly said there's no need to make the gun laws any stricter. He actually understands how tough it is.


(Edit - Actually, wasn't Gordon in power then?!) Scrap that


I do recall seeing a photo of the Labour leader at a LACS meeting, so he's a write off!

Edited by Billy.
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The only reason i asked is that on my never ending search to find some ground to rent for a small shoot i thought about contacting the council.

Yes thats right the council. :o


Someone i know works there and they have told me that the council own hundreds of parcels of land that they class as derelict/unmanaged land. These plots range from 15 acres up to 500 acres. Surely if i submitted a freedom of information request to get details on this land and proposed to rent it (or just rent the sporting rights) it could not be refused. For a government that supports shooting would a government controlled council be inclined to reject such a proposal (as i expect they would) due to the public outcry that would surely follow about councils supporting such a thing?


Has anyone experienced similair in renting council owned land for our much loved pursuit? ;)



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Quote "You're in safer hands with the conservatives. David Cameron is a hunter himself, so I seriously doubt he'll let much slip past him."


History suggests otherwise. All the anti shooting laws over the past 60 years , with the exception of hand gun control , have come in under Tory Govenments and several of them had shooting PMs.

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Quote "You're in safer hands with the conservatives. David Cameron is a hunter himself, so I seriously doubt he'll let much slip past him."


History suggests otherwise. All the anti shooting laws over the past 60 years , with the exception of hand gun control , have come in under Tory Govenments and several of them had shooting PMs.



Oh well.. Just my opinion! :blush:

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would a government controlled council be inclined to reject such a proposal


Councils aren't government controlled.

They're voted in by the local electorate and can be of any political persuassion irrespective of central government.

If you're local council are anything like mine they'll be a bunch of half wit cretins intent on running your town into the ground, and squandering your hard earned money on half baked ideas.

Good luck with the shooting :good:

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