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noisy flapper

Guest beechris

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Guest beechris

I brought a elecrtic flapper, not sure where now, i have used it on the farm and it was bringing the woodies in, however it makes a whinning noise from the motor, has done from new, and i think its scarying the woodies away. any ideas would be greatly recieved...

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Ive had the same thing mate. I borrowed a ukshootwarehouse flapper off my mate and it was very noisy. I could hear it 25 yards away in the hide. I also found it spooked the birds.






Me too mines in the skip. If you can hear it from 25 yards away the pigeons can probably pick it up from 250 feet away...


I tried to drill out the rivets on mine and grease the motor and gears, it did the trick for a couple of trips but it soon wore off.

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lets be serious here, just look on u tube, you'll find loads of clips of people shooting large bags of pigeons, using a rotary magnet, yes, they make noise too, yet pigeons still flock in, if people are worried the noise might stop pigeons coming in, then simply dont use any gadgets that work from a battery/motor, people still shot large bags of pigeons, before these things came along.


the pigeons have got lots of fields to choose from in essex at the moment, they aint hanging around in one field, when theres another 30 plus to choose from, unless your under a well used flight line, I think your fighting the same battle as all of us,

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lets be serious here, just look on u tube, you'll find loads of clips of people shooting large bags of pigeons, using a rotary magnet, yes, they make noise too, yet pigeons still flock in, if people are worried the noise might stop pigeons coming in, then simply dont use any gadgets that work from a battery/motor, people still shot large bags of pigeons, before these things came along.


the pigeons have got lots of fields to choose from in essex at the moment, they aint hanging around in one field, when theres another 30 plus to choose from, unless your under a well used flight line, I think your fighting the same battle as all of us,


I think the fact that they also have plenty of guns to choose from in many areas, not just the essex arable belt, has a lot to do with it as well Stubby. :yes:

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