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springer bitch 3-4 possibly for sale soon


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Right basically i've just fostered my mates springer bitch polly, but due to already having 2 dogs i've not really got the room but it was either here or a rescue center so me been soft said i'd take her.


As i said we've not really got the room but are willing to give it a try for a few days in the hope it works out. She's been passed about a bit and these last few months, my mate originally got her as a pup with his ex they broke up and she kept polly but he got a phone call a couple of months ago saying she couldn't cope with 2 young kids and the dog so danny took her, dannys current mrs has just given birth 3 months early and there has been a lot of problems with the baby so he's been up at the hospital every day and night and the dogs been passed from pillar to post as a result, they've just been told that premature babies tend to have a lot of allergy problems and asthma so decided it best for baby and polly if they found her a new home.


He's let me have her for free but she was up for sale for £250 which is the price he will want for her if i decide not to keep her.


She's 3-4 and is a pedigree but due to a bad break up with his ex she wouldn't wee on him if he was on fire nevermind give him papers to sell a dog she didn't want!


She's been a family pet and brought up round young children and is fine with my two dogs (one dog one bitch) but my bitch really isn't keen unfortunately.


only problem i can find so far is she seem to do anxious/excitement pee's but this could just be with her been in new suroundings and she really needs clipping and a bit of a pamper.


She's got a legally docked tail and loads of energy and seems to know dead basic commands but seem intelligent enough to try and train further. She's absolutely soft as muck and loving. The mrs is already crying at the thought of getting rid of her but if i'm honest i don't think we've got the room.


I'll post pics later as i'm posting off my phone at the minute, if you pm me if your intrested and i'll let you know sunday what the situation is. If your local your welcome to nip over saturday to see her but i've got family coming over sunday and will be going out so cant do sunday.


Atb gary

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she is not £250 i got the wrong end of the stick she is free to a good home, it was his ex that was trying to sell her for £250 i will ammend the post when i've fired up the laptop,


also unfortunately i can no longer give viewings tomorrow my bitch just isn't taking too her at all and is trying to dominate her and my male wont stop trying to hump her and she's getting really stressed, so i've asked danny if he'll pick her up later as she's better at his house without the stress of the terrible two! I'm gutted as she a lovely little thing she just got it a bit rough at the minute and doesnt seem to be coping here with these two i think there just too in her face and full on.

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Hi Mate I took one a 12month springer a few months ago she had had a good home but was unwanted due to the work so i was lead to believe. She has now settled in and stopped the peeing stage which is just over excitment if you can find her a home with even an older dog and keep them seperated but show both dogs lots of fuss.

I have a 9 year old Rotty that hated all breeds but as her own bones have got stiff the springer has been given more of a roll all they need i lots of love and a firm hand.


Good look with finding her a home and there are many charitys out there but someone on PW may just be starting off and need a part trained gun dog and with a little work will have the gun dog for life


God Luck


Sixhills 69

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polly has now been picked up by the owner unfortunately it was never gonna work out with my two, i've convinced him to hang on to her till his baby is home to see if she is allergic or has asthma or anything which the dog may irritate before he makes any rash decisions, she was a nervous wreck till he got here then was a different dog when he walked in she obviously dotes on him but if he does need to get rid wingnut is first inline.


thanks for any intrest



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It may all turn out good for your mate.


My son has excema and we thought a dog would agrevate it, it didn't bother him in the end. We went for a Springer and have never regreted it. My son and the dog are partners in crime now... :good: These dogs are really good with kids too, however I always keep a watchfull eye on them when they are playing.


All the best.

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