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Two birds with one stone


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Went for another walk, this time round the farm where I live. My brother is home from uni, so he came with. There is a stream that runs through my permission area, so there are a few ducks, but rarely seen. I had JUST handed my little brother the gun, when he spun around and flying about 30 feet up, coming striaght overhead, was two ducks. (I have no idea how he knew they were there...) He fired one shot, and one folded up instantly and fell into the stream, the other a second later came down just out of sight on a bank. He handed me the gun back, which I reloaded as we went to see where the second bird fell. Unfortunately it was only winged and flapping/running from us, so from about 15 yards

I gave it another barrel, taking its head off. I had to wade into the stream for the first duck, thinking I'd be up to my knees, but the muddy bottom took me up to my waist! So unfortunately no pics, my phone got wet.. :(

I'd seen the ducks a few days before, and was dying to get one. I'd just handed him the gun, and he got two! Lucky buggar. And why they wereflying right over us i dont know, or how he knew they were there! Grrr, I'll just have to get out there more often!

Well, at least the gf will be happy, roast duck and pheasant for dinner tomorrow!

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lol, its really not that bad, put it just over the head, and the bodys not that bad. But it was just the other side of the stream, and getting to it would have taken a while. So weighing letting it suffer against the risk of ruining it for eating, i had to go for shooting it. As it is, the rest of it is fine.

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