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South West Trains


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I recently complained to SWT about paying over £4k for a season ticket for the privilige of having to stand in a freezing corridor next to a stinking toilet for an hour every day.


They replied with corporate blurb blah blah blah... Which I expected and saw as a challenge, so here is my reply....





Thank you for your reply.


In short then "tough"?


So maybe as the customer then, I use the excuse that my wallet might not open in a 'walk up and go' situation at peak times and that would be an acceptable excuse for not having a ticket?


And also to be topical - my wallet might not also function at full capacity during periods of 'adverse weather'. Or if the snow that has cancelled half the trains is the 'wrong type' of snow then I presume that is acceptable to pay in the 'wrong type' of currency - shirt buttons, paperclips, or toenail cuttings?


I trust the above is mutually agreeable?


Kindest regards





I wonder if I will get a reply???



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Problem is too many people are scared to say anything.


We have had cancelled trains on the national express line due to a 'revised timetable' in other worlds they have taken off train to save money.


We need to have a revolution and refuse to pay the riduculous fares.


I'm sure someone will come on and tell me how expensive it is to run trains, but with the massive profits they get and the poor service says something.

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We have had cancelled trains on the national express line due to a 'revised timetable' in other worlds they have taken off train to save money.



It's more likely to be an attempt to have a timetable they might actually be able to run to rather than save money.In fact they more likely to getting hit with fines for their 'performance'.

Edited by mr smith
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Much as I admire free enterprise I have to state that I firmly believe that trains and other transport and/or public services are just that, services, and should be run as "not for profit" organisations. State ownership (nationalisation) patently failed, what we need is some middle option. Regular and affordable transport, both long and short haul would allieveiate the problems experienced in towns and on motorways.


In a perfect world................... :hmm:

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