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phesant shooting


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I have been shooting phesants for a couple of seasons now with a club gun (Rizzini m/c) I have just bought a Lanber m/c and was just wondering what chokes i should put in? which barrel is normay shot 1st and which choke sould go in the 1st and 2nd barrel i was thinking 1/2 and 1/4 maybe?

I was useing 32g #5s but i have been shooting bett with 32g #6 would 32g or 30g #6s be ok


oh and if i was to go do a bit of wild fowling we are talking maybe 1 or 2 days a season could i shoot steel through it and if so what size carts

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Bottom barrel first, 1/4 and 1/2 is what I use and most others 1/4 bottom barrel, number 6 is fairly standard 28, 30 or 32 gram, I use 5's on a day when i know the birds are very high. As for steel shot most new guns are proofed for steel, something to take up with Lanber or the person you got the gun from.


Hope that helps, some others may have other opinions but the above is fairly standard.

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