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Barrel threading


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There still a considerable amount under tow regarding the need for reproofing after threading.

There are those that have hopped on the Peter Jackson band wagon and will thread and flaunt the proof house regulations, and there are others as Lucky said who won't and will insist on sending it for reproof in order to comply and to ensure they remain insured.


Personally I can see the non re-proofer argument. There are no proof houses in the USA! But at the end of the day regulations are regulations you flaunt them at your own risk.

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This can be debated forever, I think many RFD accept there is no requirement for re proofing but many insist simply due to their insurers.


I believe the same applies to buying/selling.


In the last couple of years I have bought a cut and threaded, and NOT re proofed rifle from one RFD, and then sold the same rifle to a different RFD.


Just after that I purchased a NEW rifle from yet another RFD who cut and threaded it for me, and DID NOT get it re proofed.


So.....hows all that work then? :hmm:

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just had a thought how would anyone know if you had it cut ? so the proof bit would not be an issue . my factory threaded rifles have never had a ticket to say proofed


The barrel would usually be a different length to anything standard offered by the manufacturer and the threading is usually easy to see as not being a factory job! Commonly factory barrels are blued or finished after cut/thread.


Your factory threaded rifles have a proof mark for the whole rifle as tested, therefore after factory cut/thread, so only one proof mark required. :good:

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