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shooting insurance advice


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With my FAC back and the shotguns granted I went N picked one up

only for my RFD to say It cannot be used on clay ranges

upon this I showed him condition 6 on my FAC saying the shotgun may be used for clay shooting.

I am then told that the CPSA won't cover the use of FAC shotguns FULL STOP

now granted in competition thats fair enough, but for those who just go for the fun nothing serious its bloody daft


So was wondering


1. is this correct as I was told that the place (by them) that I was going to go that I could use them

for general clay shooting.


2. And if it is the insurance thats the issue who would cover someone with a section 1 shotgun on a clay ranges

So I could show them my cover note and shoot.


Also it just say may be used for clay pigeon nothing about where

so that should mean I can shoot clay pigeons on PRIVATE land

as I am NOT outside of my allowed use of the firearm.

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if the FAC states you can use it for clay pigeon shootign and the the owner of the ground you want to shoot on has ok'd it then there should be no problem


as for insurance, BASC seem to cover most things

give them a ring and have a chat, see what they can do


also maybe worth ringing your FEO and having a chat just to double check


Best of luck


p.s i have seen a couple of people using 7shot benellis at a local clay ground

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