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Pigeons on stubble 2010


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I have only just uploaded this photo of a day in august and my first century.

There were plenty of birds when we arrived at the field at about 10 30, had the hide and decoys set up by 11.

we used a cluster of decoys at the head and a curve of deeks in a banana shape out from that as the birds were not decoying well to the U shape. also had a flapper 3 floaters and a rotary going.

was a light wind and was a sunny day. picture of the hide is also included


The birds were shy to begin with but at around 2 there was none stop shooting for most of the day, we ran out of carts and around 6 ish and could have keept shooting

as the birds were still coming into the deeks. we could have had double the bag had it not been for the restriction a road put on are shooting, the lack of carts and most

importantly are ******* **** shooting. any way had a great day and had bang on 100, 99 pigeons and one crow

we fired a shocking 450 shots but who cares !!!!!!


P.S we went out the next day with just the rotary and shot 30 for 50 shots in 3 hours.






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