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out for a quick lamp last night

jamie g

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popped out at 7 tonight to see if i could shoot a couple of foxes up a new farm just 5 mins up the road from where i live. i went pick my old man up 1st and then we had a steady drive over there.


its only a little place 110 acres but farmer has been saying he keeps seeing foxes about in the day when out and about on the farm. and said there not at all bothered about him or his lad going about there work.


so we pulled intot the 80 acres across the road from his house. into a good size grass field with some old farm stuff rusting away. picked a spot where we had a good view and safe shot.


the ground is fairly flat out there and houses at 12 o'clock right round to 4 o'clock of your view so have to be very careful.


after a couple of mins of calling the old chap see a fox in the beam at the bottom corn field and it was coming in like a greygound. i couldnt see it at 1st as i was to the side of the lamp it was still some way off then was gone.


lamp off quick blast on the call and again he see it this time the field before our field in a clump of bush. i wouldnt take the shot through the branches. as i wasnt sure of a clean kill.


so waited with some little calls in the dark. turned the lamp on and **** law the fox was 50 yards away at 9'oclock on some on trailers

not a safe shot. so got in truck and went across into a field looking back to where we called from.


and sure enough fox come out and into a dip. but was lay down i could only see his head.


now i dont really go for head shots but this fox wasnt bothered by us and was nice and still. so i took my time put the crosshair on the side of his head and boom. the report back confirmed a kill.


it was only around 100 yards maybe abit less. went over to pick it up and it was a well fed vixen. popped it into the farm yard and went over behind the farm on a 30 acre field. see two more but this field is a sod to shoot on its very flat for most of it.


so couldnt get a safe angle on shots.

in all a quick night and back home for a brew

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