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A few foxes with the shotgun


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I do not do a lot of dedicated fox shooting, I usually leave the foxes on our syndicate to the boys with the rifles, but the past week I have had three with the shotgun.


I got a call from my brother to say his work mate had lost some chickens on his farm to a fox and would we come out to try and get the culprit. I did not ahve much faith in our chances but agreed and by 8 we were sat up in a large field against a bale squeaking. I had the lamp off as I was not sure how lamp shy these foxes would be. I heard a ruckus after no more than 2 minutes calling and shone to see a fox scrambing through the hedge a 100 yards away and slowly making its way to us. I told my brother to keep squeaking as I worked the lamp, the arm resting on the lamp so I could shoot and shine. It then came charging in, and I shot it dead 20 yards away with a charge of BBs to the chest. We waited half an hour squeaking then called it a night. One very fat vixen and a very chuffed family who told us we can come shooting again whenever we wanted :good:


A few days later we tried again, I wasnt too keen on going out again so soon but the farmer had seen one sniffing around his cow parlour and wanted it sorted in case it went for the chickens and geese. It was a very very winy night and after two and a half hours, nothing. We decided to check the small field near the farmhouse as it was on our way back and I say a black shape trotting towards us. Thinking the sheepdog had got out, I was about to call it over to pop a lead on it when it turned side on and I realised it was a fox! We froze and it trotted over thirty yards and I gave a squeal. It popped up, broadside, and I put two shots behind its front leg into its ribs, dropping him stone dead. A very heavy dog fox with several teeth missing. Both foxes shot with new ES100 Beretta 12 bore automatic.


Then yesterday, last beaters days, I was working a hedge down towards a pen situated in elephant grass and rushes to meet the beating team coming towards me when I spotted a fox stalking a cock pheasant. A shout from the line made it dart into the pen and I quickly radioed to the keeper to hold the line and that a fox was coming his way. Realising the fox had to come out the pen door to escape, I tied my dog to a pheasant feeder so he would not get in the way and hid myself behind it to, gun ready. Less than a minute later Charlie comes at a fast trot through the open pen door, not seeing me at all, and I shoot him through the head with my Beretta 20 bore at 5 feet distance. The keeper was chuffed to bits as he had been after him for a while.


untitled2 (WinCE).bmp

Edited by Pykie
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Nice to hear of someone shotgunning the foxes effectively, makes a nice change from the rifles.


I am going to look for some fox suitable cartridges for my 20bore, Iv got some for the 12 but need to find something suitable for the 20g also.


Iv whatch a DVD on the warrener and I get the impression that 80% + of his foxes are shot with a 12g semi auto !

But what cartridge he uses I havent a clue ! I am guessing BB or up wards !





What does anyone else use as there prefered shotgun fox round ?

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