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12g - Semi Auto or Over Under + Choices


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If you're buying second hand then barrel length and choke will be what they will be as long as it fits. If you are purely shooting pigeons from a hide then a good semi will serve you well just be prepared to hanker after an o/u when you get asked to do some driven game. Don't worry about it few people stop at just one gun! But if you only ever want one gun then you'd be better off with an o/u unless you know for certain you'll only ever shoot pigeons

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Milton Keynes


If you're buying second hand then barrel length and choke will be what they will be as long as it fits. If you are purely shooting pigeons from a hide then a good semi will serve you well just be prepared to hanker after an o/u when you get asked to do some driven game. Don't worry about it few people stop at just one gun! But if you only ever want one gun then you'd be better off with an o/u unless you know for certain you'll only ever shoot pigeons


Yeah id always buy second hand and I totally understand that lol, just thought id ask the question incase for e.g i bought A 30" barelled gun and everyone was like "why on earth did you go for a 30?!", but i can see its somewhat irrelevant for me a this stage so fair enough.


Hmmm tough dilema really. Because as much as i think i'll only ever be shooting pigeons on my permission, 6 months down the line i could get to know afew ppl at a local club for example, and end up being much more involved in the hobby than i originally thought. But it would be fair to say that 6months down the line i could be in the market for another gun anyway.


Il bear that in mind as i come to my final decision thanks.


( And yes i do appreciate some other have mentioned this point also)

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