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honda cr250


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for those who will remember i put a post up here a while ago about damaging my spine in a industrial accident well to cut a long story short i have just got a letter from the specialist this morning to have been told i need a fusion of the spine so no more knocks for me or i have been told i will end up in wheel chair for the rest of my life so my pride and joy must go as i cant use it any more :/ it is a 1999 cr 250 alloy frame model it has only been used 3 hours in the last 2 year believe it or not i have spend a lot of money and many many hours of work into it the bike was never raced just used as a weekend toy when the weather was nice . It has had everything changed to new from grips to tyres and everything in between. Brand new plastics graphics seals renthal bars and pad chain sprockets piston and rings its still not run in yet the suspension has been re worked with new seals and oil by the local specialist this bikes absolutly flies it wants for nothing at all this is not your usual rubbish that you see on ebay any one who knows me will tell you i am obsessive about looking after things and maintaining them. i will take 950 or very very nearest offer for a quick sale for it as i know its worth a lot more than that even if it was rough i might be able to meet half way within reason many thanks from a depressed m1 :/ to be honest the money is to be put to one side to cover while i am long term sick



Edited by mad1
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sorry to hear about your accident, and also for having to part with your bike, looks a1..good luck

thanks for that m8 yeah i am gutted about it i have rode mx bikes since i was 6 but cant do it now :no: this bike is worth every penny and i can promise when the warm weather comes they go up a few hundred no problem. Just like a 4x4 before the winter
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Lucky your not local as I would have prob sold something to buy this. Looks very tidy :good: I used to have a few Cr's. First was a 1986 Cr125, then a 1989 Cr250 before moving to a 2002 KTM250 then onto a 300EXC for Green laning. Then I went down the Road bike route (CBR600F then a CBR600FS1) Love my Honda's :D


Good luck with the sale mate with the season soon to start I doubt it will hang about. Very very fasy bikes and alot of fun. I only ever used to race in the AMCA Juniors so never that good but good fun. Did a day entry to a massive event once in the Open class at British Championship level and came 14th... Out of 14 :lol: Good to ride with some legends though. Still have a signed patch from Paul Malin at home

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Entered an Indoor Supercross event as well and did alright really until the end of the day when I was knackered and tried to double in & double out of a tricky section and I came off big-style! Had a swollen wrist for some time after. You must be gutted to have to sell up due to health reasons. I still go to watch local Motocross regulary and get a buzz watching the start gate and smelling the Castrol ;)

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