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pcp with rapid fire?


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i know it sounds like a dumb question, but i was just curious about having a multishot airrifle that [for whatever cocking mech] was able to fire shot after shot with the minimum of time between shots.......

dont get me wrong, i love my prosport, but i have a notion in my mind about being able to keep my target in-sight [say a coke can] and fire off as many shots as the mag will hold in as quick a time as poss [the idea really appeals to me, especially if there were multiple targets] :good:

ive seen youtube clips of the hw100 and it looks to be quite a fast cycle , but you still have to operate the cocking lever [or whatever its called] between shots........ultimately this means taking your hand off-trigger.......probably all in the aid of safety, but i just wondered if there are any rifles out there where the cycle is do-able quicker and/or without having to move your hand from the trigger ?


over to youse :good:

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There was a odd looking air rifle that was cocked by a pump action style action that could fire a pellet every second, I think it was called a Skan Bullpup and it could hold 95 or so pellets in a linea magazine. Not sure how it was powered or how accurate it was though but I remeber seeing a demo of it by Terry Doe video.

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hmm, looking like its not a popular style of rifle over here then....... ok, how about this for an idea [for example]


im right-handed, but what if i bought a lefty-hw100 and fitted a right-hand stock......[i dont know if this follows] but in theory at least the cycling-lever would be on the left and i could keep my hand on the trigger ready for the next shot ? :unsure:

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you'd struggle to keep it held up, plus the stock is inletted specifically for each side.

airgunbbs may be a better place to ask...

oooh im hurt, the cheek of it lol ........ seriously tho, if i got a pcp it would only ever get used on a bipod, so holding wont be an issue.

ok to avoid confusion, let me re-phrase the question..... out of all the top brand stuff [dont want mickey-mouse] which rifles are reliable/accurate and are relativly quick to fire round-after-round ? :good:

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what about one of these rember seen them in a mag once


Fast Fire is a Take down Version of it's Older Brother the Phoenix mark Two


check out video on Web site http://www.phoenixairguns.co.uk


Both are designed as Hunting rifles which can be held in Shoulder with No need to move

to reload :good:


Both Designed and Made in UK



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try the career 707 they have a reload speed of as fast and you can cock it . it looks like a shotgun

hace a look plus they do come under 12lbs



No Longer Imported - due to power issues ;)


Called Police Bait in many Shooting Circles - as Police aware how easy they are to return

to a Fire Arms - as Was adjusted down for UK - Sub 12FP Market



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