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scoring for top gun trophy


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Ok chaps

we have a small club shoot, we shoot every other sunday and normally around forty of us. The scores at the end of the season are totted up then averaged out and the best averaged gets the silverware. You have to shoot 8 times a year to be in with a chance.

I shoot every shoot, over a year i could be at a disadvantage different set ups(some being a lot hard than others) weather ect.

Does anyone have a better way,

i thought of a league table but not to sure how to work it.

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The way our club does it is this,


once a month we have a competition,


top 4 scores get points 10, 7, 5, 3.


winner at the end of the year has the most points....


we also run a group system, a, b and c but you have to be in the top 4 overall to get points, group winners get trophies....



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Think this is how ours does it but then the top and bottom score is juunked as well.



Our club's winter series is run over around 12 shoots, with the top 5 to count. That gives people time to build a decent score and rewards those who have a good day, but who wouldn't normally shoot quite so well, by them not having to replicate it too many times! :lol: We give prizes for sporting, abt and overall, but you can only claim one trophy.

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