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Went to have a look on this freshly cut maize, and as soon as i turned up there was about 100 pigeons on there, i thought im in for a good day here, set up my hide, decoys, and waited for a few hours and nothing, they didnt come back, i know for a fact that there wasnt any other freshly cut maize in the area, so very strange

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Went to have a look on this freshly cut maize, and as soon as i turned up there was about 100 pigeons on there, i thought im in for a good day here, set up my hide, decoys, and waited for a few hours and nothing, they didnt come back, i know for a fact that there wasnt any other freshly cut maize in the area, so very strange


Exactly the same thing happened to me on Saturday. Bout 60-80 lifted thought I was in for a good day but hardly got a shot off.

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What time of day was this then :hmm: got thousands hitting maize now but finding it hard to decoy them as there in huge flocks ,hoping they will start to break up soon . Been getting a few good days but some poor days aswell such as today had a client out on maize first 5 birds came in great then they just would not decoy but we were seeing thousands ,moved to another spot and it was the same first 8 birds came in a treat then the same happened no matter what we did just 1 of them days .

Lets hope tomorrow is better :yes:

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Same here, got there this morning and there were probably 800 birds flew off so i got my hide and deeks out and got 2 birds early on and missed a couple and that was it! Upped and moved and then when i was leaving for home i went past the first lot of maize and it was a sea of grey !!


One thing i did note in the morning when i first set up a couple of crows came in low and nearly landed and pigeons appeared from everywhere so the crows obviously give the pigeons confidence as a few of them actually landed !!


Must get me some crow deeks i think.

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