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ferrets for rats

jim t

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It depends on the layout and how you are working them.

I have used them under wooden feed stores and in earth banks, where the area is clearly defined and all in view.

Despite horror stories to the contrary, I have never had any ferrets injured by rats and most bolt quickly into the nets.

I would not work my ferrets on rats with terriers in attendance.


If the location is very awkward, you might consider smoking them out to dogs, or if its nice and open and safe, guns.


Another alternative is live catch traps, which usually work very well.

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most of the work is inside big sheds very few ways out, i have very little experience with ferrets, can the be called back after or must they be caught, there are very few rabbits around me but if its something i got an interest in i would get plenty rabbit ground

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The idea of using ferrets against anything (rats or rabbits), is to get the quarry to bolt.

"Very few ways out" is not good news.

You don't want your ferrets getting rats blocked in underground where they have to fight them, apart from causing harm to the ferrets, you could be there for a very, very long time.

Its sounds as though smoking them out might be a better idea.

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