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Difference between .223 and .222


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Very good, thanks! I have read it twice now, makes mroe sense to me everytime..


Just a couple of small qeustions on the above posts,


Wouldnt the lighter bullet traveling at a higher velocity, but lower rpm still have the same damage at range? because on a box of .22 supsonics, they say how they can kill at 1mile.. surly .222 centerfire could kill a fox at the same range as .223 (providing the accuracy is good enough) or would the low weight of the bullet make it too inefective at range compared to say a 70 grain .223


Sorry chaps for all the qeustions, just trying to understand a few thing in my head :)

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So its the expansion of the bullet that is required a clean kill. I know this concearns most airgun shooters, but I think as all the pellets travel at such a low speed, it makes very little difference because the pellets dont expand. I have tried pointed, rounded, and flat heads. They all do the same thing, except accuracy is different.


Hmm me thinks they should design a bullet made with a hard(ish) copper/brass jacket, and a heavy lead powder inside. It would retain its weight, the hard jacket would allow a good flightpath, and upon impact would expand like being hit with a sledge hammer as all the force would be transfered with little penetration.. (ok im sure it wouldnt work :) )


Thanks fister and nick, very usefull info.

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Uh oh.. more news..


I was talking to some chaps at the gun club tonight, and they say they have been shooting .222 with 70 grain bullets? now im confused.. what you say about the twist rate having to be tighter with hevier ammo, I am now confused, because surely then 70 grain wouldnt shoot straight on such a low twist rate in .222 :) Il never get the hang of this..

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Yes there are exceptions to every rule and just as some rifles will digest everything.

My CZ 527 .223 seems the exception to the rule, as it has so far digested everything from 40 grain to 64 grain bullets with great results :lol::D

It has a 1 in 12 twist. :lol:

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Yes there are exceptions to every rule and just as some rifles will digest everything.

My CZ 527 .223 seems the exception to the rule, as it has so far digested everything from 40 grain to 64 grain bullets with great results :lol::D

It has a 1 in 12 twist. :lol:

thats as it should be mate :D


i wouldnt expect it to shoot anything well which was more than 65ish grains (think the maths works it out as 68, but cant be sure)

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