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Browning XTR or Miroku G5 ??


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I am considering purchasing a new trap gun & need some guidance. As a Browning/Miroku fan, I either want a Browning Ultra XTR or a MK38 Grade 5 and here is my quandry.

I need to know if the XTR is built on an up-specced 525 type action more suitable to high volume shooting i.e stronger action frame with greater durability or is it simply the usual action with different ( and not too attractive engraving ). I prefer the more traditional looks of the MK38 engraving, and if it is the case that the Browning has no technical advantage then I am leaning towards the Miroku.


Can anyone help ? p.s - does anyone know whats happening with the wood on grade 5 Miroku's ?? the ones I've seen recently are all overly dark coloured with strange figuring often in broad horizontal/vertical banding which fades out indistinctly. Are they holding all the good stuff for the higher grade Brownings ? Any thoughts.....

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Guest cookoff013

if its wood your after, its a look and see more so.


i`ve seen some beretta stocks that wernt fit to burn !


i`m a miroku man. not a browning boy !

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I can't comment on the actions, but from what I've been told (a gunsmith at Avalon) Browning use walnut from a different source than Miroku. One uses American, the other Turkish, so they are very likely to be different due to the climate and salt content in the earth in which the trees are grown.

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The XTR is a B425, not a B525. I have owned both of the Brownings and would pick the XTR anyday. The B525 had odd stock dimensions, despite nominally being the same trap model.


The wood on the XTRs is equivalent to grade 3, from memory.


I have owned the grade 5 Miroku and thought the wood was fine.

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The XTR is not a 425 or a 525 it's an Ultra and has the same stronger action and barrels as the Ultra XS models and initially what was used on the old GTI's. The rib is dovetailed onto posts rather than soldered on like 525's and the like. The XTR has standard Browning Trap woodwork with the palmswell and the slimmer longer forend. This is the same woodwork as used on factory adjustable MK38 trap guns. Having owned several of these guns my advice would be to go for the grade 5 Mk38 with a fixed comb which wont have the palmswell and comes with the slightly wider nicer feel forend. Mirokus are always better value than Brownings

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