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Tilt at the Woodies with friend

The Duncan

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Hi folks,


I was lucky enough to land a good-sized new permission last week, with a 20+ acre field of rape that's been hit really hard. Many many acres elsewhere, but this 20 acres needed sorting.

I asked Bakerboy to come and have a go at it with me. Sadly, my recce time was very limited and I didn't manage to pin-point the flightlines, just got an idea of where they sit and feed, established there were no paths on or near the field and spoke to the neighbouring farm to warn them we'd be shooting nearby.

Bakerboy pitched up promptly and after a bit of hot brekkie, we headed to the permission and BB glassed the field, trying to establish a good spot. Nothing in the air to provide any flightline clues. We both figured a little curving valley leading towards a copse looked a likely route for a flightline, plus I'd seen groups of about 30-50 fly from the copse previously.

Just as we came to our decision, a Woodie followed that precise line.

So, we deployed the deeks, set up hide and prepared to engage them.

The sun shone, the freezing breeze blew and we watched the odd buzzard or two. Plenty of crows and rooks in a tree line and even the occasional sea gull and a couple of radio controlled planes (tempting!).

At one point, the neighbouring farm owners were spotted by BB, walking their dogs with kids around the edge of the field.

Eventually they got close so I broke the gun, removed mask and set off to greet.

AS it turns out, the farmers wife asked if I was the chap who had spoken to her (over an intercom) to let them know we'd be there.

Proper, friendly introductions followed and, who knows - maybe more land in the future? We'll see.

After a couple more hours of empty sky, BB and I decided to stretch legs and go on separate 'armed rambles', heading for a different spinney each.

I managed a mercy killing of a myxy'd rabbit (15 yards - pulp in a fur bag! as BB put it) and then a couple of shots at a high bird, close but no cigar!

I looked back in the direction that BB had taken and smiled when I saw him looking hopefully in my direction at the sound of the shots. I dearly wished I could have waved a brace of pigeon at him :D .

After that, we were joined by metal-detectors 300 yards away across the field (I dropped a call to check with the owner that they were fine to be there).

There was one high bird close to edge of range that TBH we both fired two shots at, but at worst it will have a slightly sore backside ! We just looked at each other and smiled. 4 Shots and no dinner - and that's with one of us being a decent shot!


So - nowt in the bag today but knowledge and resolve to spend plenty of time on recce duties and acceptance that no matter how good your decoy pattern is (or your recc info), if there are no birds in the air, nothing will land.


I also enjoyed very good company and conversation for the 5 hours we were out and for once in my life I was facing approximately the right direction for a classic YBF moment. (You can hate me tomorrow Terry :P !).

AS we got back into the hide I turned to see our very own BB settling into his shooting stick/seat, overbalance and fall in near slow motion, clutching at the side of a hide sheet (which offered exactly as little support as you'd imagine).

He landed full length on the deck.

Being as tactful as a rhino, I roared :lol:

To be fair, BB was laughing too and in good spirits as I helped him back to the vertical.

The outstanding memory of that trip was right there for me :D


Thanks for coming out and having a go Terry, I'll keep you posted with intel as I gather it.





Edited by The Duncan
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I always tell people that no matter what you have a "shot of the day" well lucky for the camera was not out to catch me falling oh so slowly grasping at a camo net and ending up laughing on the floor, not shot of the day more **** of the day.

Anyway a good day out with good company,plus a decent breakfast much needed after a heavy night out and only a few hours sleep.



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I always tell people that no matter what you have a "shot of the day" well lucky for the camera was not out to catch me falling oh so slowly grasping at a camo net and ending up laughing on the floor, not shot of the day more **** of the day.

Anyway a good day out with good company,plus a decent breakfast much needed after a heavy night out and only a few hours sleep.

Cheers Duncan


You were not alone - I don't think avoiding the 2am-finish-the-night-before on our parts would have filled the skies or bag with woodies though, lol!

But we would have had excuses for missing a few!

I'll keep a watchful eye and let you know when a more productive sesh is likely.

Perhaps next time a saturday am rather than sunday would be better :lol:

Thanks again!



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