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variation for 6mm


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ime going for a variation for eather 6mmbr 6mmppc or 6mm*47 depending on what comes up and when i have the funds.

i dont whats to ask for say a 6mmbr then have to wait ages for a nice on to come along.

so could i just put 6mm centerfire and it will cover me for the lot? i know a guy who had .22 centerfire and that was for 222 223 and 22-250,

many thanks

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As mentioned i think it depends on the FLD you are covered by, i had the same dilemma with 22WMR and 22LR, although on recieving my cert they are both specified as different (i thought it may just say 22 rimfire or something to that effect)


I would discuss it with your FLO but at the end of the day i think it may be down to the firearms dept. regardless of the FLO's recommendations..





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I once had a slot for a .300 rifle. That was to allow me to get one of the .300 Magnums. I just sent in a covering note saying why I had asked for the .300 rather than a specific calibre and to call me if they had any questions. They phoned me to clarify and then printed it off.


I would say it all comes down to how helpful or unhelpful your force are willing to be. That could vary wildly!

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