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Bird scarers


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Does anyone travel on the A414 between Hertford and WGC?If so have you seen the helium balloon/kite type things flying above the fields on the left as you travel towards Essendon pikie camp?They appear to be tethered to the ground,but i wondered how they get up in the first place does the farmer have to launch them every morning?I saw them last year and they got me wondering then,also are they any good at detering pigeons?

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well they don't scare pigeons at night but they will still be doing the same as they do in the day. If the wind drops the kite ones lower but don't hit the ground as there is a pole to keep them off the ground otherwise they wouldn't take off again. Helium ones will stay the same

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In theory they should stay up all the time, in practice they do come down at night, usually due to the weight of dew on them or the fact it has cooled down and the balloon goes down a bit.

The other theory is that they should launch themselves once the dew has dried off and the warmth of the day reinflates the balloon.

In practice they get the string wrapped around a blade of grass or something and can't take off.

Then when it is very windy they disappear altogether. I forget the exact price of them but including the balloon inside them it's around £100 each.

They do work OK but due to the above problems we gave up on them.

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