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Road shoes and cleats will be stiffer (more direct drive, more efficient power transfer etc) and offer a bigger platform for the shoe/foot to reduce hotspots. If you're used to SPDs on the road then I'd say stick to them. My mate uses them for MTB and road and does centuries with no problems. Others I ride with prefer SPD for the dirt and SPD-SL or Keo for road.


There are some newer Shimano shoes that support both SPD and SPD-SL so could get a set of those and some new pedals to try out both systems.

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I don't use them any more since I ended up in Manchester city centre lay on the ground with both my feet still clipped to my MTB pedals..SPD's can be a trifle stiff when full of mud n stuff....

On a busy saturday afternoon.

Still, gave the huge audience a great big laugh, I can tell you..... :lol:

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First off, you would definately notice a difference. Road-style pedals give a much more rigid connection so your foot doesn't move around as much. I know it doesn't move much in SPDs, but it's noticably less than that. Also, road pedals spread the force more over the sole of the shoe, which is good on a long ride.


There are a couple of downsides of road pedals. First, you need to twist your foot harder to get out. If that's a worry for you then you'd be best sticking to SPDs, but if you have a go with road pedals then you'd quickly get used to it. Second, because there's less play between the cleat and the pedal you need to be more careful when you're positioning road cleats on the shoe so that you get them in just the right place for you. If they're in the wrong place you'll get knee pain etc.


Apart from those things they're much better on the road than SPDs.


I use SPDs off-road and Look Keos on the road.

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Thanks for the help lads,I was thinking myself there would be a bigger platform, therefore more and a better contact with the pedal,I'm not at the cycling very long just a year or so and recently I've started to pull on the pedals as well as pushing on the hills,I couldn't believe the difference,I am getting up the hills a lot quicker and easier,although it takes a bit getting used too because of the different muscles that are used.When I started pulling on the pedals it got me thinking I'd benefit with the road cleats.What about the different colours in the road cleats what do they represent.I have seen the Shimano shoes SPD-SL and the LOOK KEO When searching the net but don't know which colour of cleat would suit me......jACKSDAD I Too ended up on my back one day in the town center,I bounced up quicker than I went down as if nothing happened,turned round and the people in the cars peeing them selves laughing. :blush:

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