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lead shot


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do u by it from peter


No I make it myself. There's too much work involved in making good hard shot to be worth selling it.


Very proud of what I make though, don't think anyone could do better.


What do you do to tumble and graphite your shot :hmm:

Edited by sitsinhedges
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I don't think soft lead shot is worth more than a couple of quid a kilo, you've missed out all the hard work of alloying it etc. It's just straight lead into the pot and out thru the drippers.


I have always used linotype to harden mine but it's not easy to get hold of now.


I understand range lead is good but I've never used that.

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how much to u sell yours for :hmm:


I don't generally but if I did I would ask £3 a kilo but that's bearing in mind it is probably much more sophisticated than your stuff. As good as factory shot.


(No I haven't got any for sale)



How do you graphite and tumble yours or is it just raw straight from the shotmaker :hmm:

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:/ what so when do u graphite it



You put a small amount of graphite in when you tumble it and let it run until the surface is polished, say for ten minutes or so.


I do it with a paint stirrer and a bucket now, much easier. A level teaspoon of graphite for every 25kilos of shot. Tumbling it also makes it more round.

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