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Trouble with Birds

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I am new here today and if this is an irregular post then I apologise. I am searching for ways in which my problem can be dealt with. I have had no success from the local authority, the conservation groups or, (so far) the RSPB.


About six weeks ago we had a severe gale here in central Anglesey and the anti-bird, wire cover, on my chimney pot was blown off. It is a high stack and is placed on the side wall of the house (all stone). Next to the wall is a narrow path bordered on the other side by a double stone wall with hedge on top (as is usual in this area), this prevents a ladder being mounted there. [bTW I am almost 80 yo and not a climber!]



Builders are not prepared to get to the stack without scaffolding (understandable) and that is too expensive for me to consider. A pair of jackdaws is trying to take possession of the pot. The chimney serves a gas fire but the heat and fumes does not seem to deter them and I have to rely at present on scare tactics from a nearby window.


I can hear bits of nesting material falling down the chimney and hitting the metal back-plate of the gas fire. This seems to me to be a potential fire hazard there in addition to the possibility of the nest area above.


So I was wondering whether it might be possible for me to ask someone to shoot these birds. I understand from reading the current law about shots being contained within my boundary. Although the garden around the house is about half an acre and semi-woodland, there is a large enough open area where the birds land to search for food and to pick up sticks.


Can anyone comment on the above problem and advise if shooting is a solution?

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An air rifle (or someone else that already has one) may be your answer (after you have tried other reasonable methods). No shooting withing 50ft of a public path and ensuring that your pellets do not cross the path.

This is very basic, but should give you the idea.

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There are a lot of climbers around your way and north wales, I am sure if you offered them a few beers they wouldn't mind chucking a rope over and quickly climbing up and replacing the wire-cover. I think that would be your best option, the problem with just shooting them is that a chimney is a very attractive nesting place for birds therefore I am sure more will come back.


There is a big website for climbing like this one at www.ukclimbing.com/forums I am sure if you post something there some poor student climber looking for a few beers could help you out! Most climbers are also light weight so wont do any damage to your slates! Or they might be able access it up the gable end if that's where the chimney is.

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