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google earth..


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Thanks Lads, naturally I had to delete an image that contained a word banned on this site. ;)

But it wasn't a word. It was a natural occurrence borne out of poor soil quality in that part of the field :rolleyes:;)


A bit like people seeing the face of their god when cutting a tomato in half. :lol::lol:



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Any ideas why it is that I can't get that quality of picture?


I can zoom in on Google Earth in urban areas quite well but can't get anything like the quality I've seen from other people where farms and farmland are concerned. It's the same with Maps as well I've just tried Marks link and put in Dishforth. Got a hazy Picasso-like painting type thing of fuzzy fields.


Is it because I haven't got broadband or is it something else I'm doing wrong?



The reason that you are having problems is because google have purchased their imagery coverage from lots of different sources. Different satellites have varying degrees of resolution, and you (and me) are unlucky in as much as the bits we would most like to see have been imaged by satellites with less capable sensors. Keep looking and hopefully when it updates we may get something better!



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