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stop my labrador runing in to shot

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Hi gave


best advice i can give you is train her mate. Now i don't mean that how it sounds i mean go back to basics. go right through her training again and cover absolutely everything. she has missed something someone / you / who ever has moved on to quickly and the dog has not understood.


and another important part that is over looked is training on game, people train there dogs in places where there is no sent. this is how i do mine. then they forget to do it all over again when they are on sent. dogs go whistle deaf when on sent. so retraining on sent is imperative.

lots of people have problems with moving on to quickly and not training there dogs on the actual game they will be hunting.


But with out more info on your dog its all a guessing game. give as much info on the dog as you can and you will get some very very good advise from this board as there are some good people on here




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have had this once mate ....you need to go back to simple obedience training ie. the dog does not move until you tell it to... i used to emphasise this by keeping the dog on a leash and progressively walk around the dog in circles ever increasing distance but always returning to it to install the confidence that what the dog is doing is right ....this installs in the dog that you are looking after it and that it will get to do the retrieve but in your time not as the dog feels fit to do

good luck mate

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