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Air Arms Silencer S400

Reg Booty

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I can't afford to get a new silencer for my S400, but I am sure I can remember a post / thread on here before about someone recommending some sort of "sound" cloth or similar type of padding which can be put on the inside to make it more effective.....


It had some sort of flashy name to it, but alas the grey matter has forgotten already - anybody help ?


Or, is this not adviseable ?


Probably a stupid question, but thought I'd ask ! ! !

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I have tired it before and dont suggest it. The fibers of the cloth end up in the flight path of the pellet, and thats enough to loos accuracy. Im sure felt wads could be used if strong enough, otherwise the only way out is buying a decent silencer. The quietest I have used yet is webly's BBMF long silencer, with felt and alloy baffles. Very effective for any arigun including FAC

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Thanks Hunter and Rob lade for the reply, I guess its a new improved silencer ( or moderator ! ) that I need, but can someone tell me what is better the BBMF Long Silencer or the Weirauch ?


Does the Weirauch have the felt wads etc......


If I wanted to go for either, would I need some sort of adapter to fit them to my S400 ?


Currently my Air Arms silencer is simply just a push fit system.


Also Hunter I have looked at your other piccies of your rifle and notice the BBMF is very long and protrudes out of your carry case - is it quickly assembled etc.....

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the best option would be to get a 1/2unf adaptor this will enable you to fit pretty much any silencer you want to your rifle.


I have very limited expericance with silencers due to being mostly a springer man, but i have heard the the weirauch silncer is pretty close to as good as you can get.


ROB ;)

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Hi Reg.


You can try a bit of pipe lagging on the outside of the sound moderator, the type used on outside standpipes.

We have used it when shooting in the barns through the night, They do make a slight difference (enough to stop the dogs kicking off at two in the morning) but you might find that it's not quite enough, but for the sake of a quid or two it can't hurt to try.

Simply cut a bit to length, slip it on and wrap with electricians black insulation tape.


Edited by saint_george
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