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I am not sure this should be posted here as i am talking about rifles and not air rifles. I dont really use rifles as i have always used an airgun and a shot gun but i am thinking of getting one and i hear about people using .17hmr and .22 rifles but how many rifles are there and what is the most and least powerful rifle you can get ???

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Rifles thousands in hundreds of Calibres, main thing is rimfire or centre fire, .22lr and .17HMR are rimfire, .223, .222, .243, etc are centre fire, calibre is almost prey specific, bunnies .22LR or other rimfire, fox centrefire, deer is breed specific....but generally .223 upwards. And depends on region, not simple but fairly straight forward. .22LR is the general starter and one of the least powerful, also standard smallbore target calibre

Edited by HDAV
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Rifles thousands in hundreds of Calibres, main thing is rimfire or centre fire, .22lr and .17HMR are rimfire, .223, .222, .243, etc are centre fire, calibre is almost prey specific, bunnies .22LR or other rimfire, fox centrefire, deer is breed specific....but generally .223 upwards. And depends on region, not simple but fairly straight forward. .22LR is the general starter and one of the least powerful, also standard smallbore target calibre

And an incredibly useful calibre to have in the cabinet, long after you've upgraded to heavier gauge firearms.

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