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clearing land

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Right, hypothetically,( i dont have a FAC im just interested )a .22 can kill at a mile ( or so i have heard ) and anylarger caliber/ load can kill at further than that. When land is cleared what is taken into consideration? as often land has a footpath along one edge or just over a field or hedge, can this land be cleared or is it too much risk? what do they tell you, "dont shoot in that direction". also roads pretty difficult to judge if you mess up a shot if its going to rebound and travel 2miles through someone's landrover window. Obviously as people who want to protect and enjoy our sport we have to be extremely cautious, i know where i live people are extremely relaxed around guns but even still i always act in a safe and proper way to make sure people dont look upon people who like shooting badly. But how can you go about clearing land when potentially some rifles can kill and damage property accidentially at longranges and not all land has 4 miles of clearance. Am i right in saying that extremely flat land poses the greatest risk as there is no "natural" backstop? looking forward to hearing you as this is something i havent fully understood for some time!

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The firearms process is a little more complexed than just having some land cleared. Once you have been vetted and deemed responsible enough to attain a firearms license you will then have to have good reason to possess the calibre you require. More and more conditions are being added to licenses such as passing a test to being mentored. As for the land search, a police officer from the firearms department will come and inspect said land to see if its safe for the calibre eg backstops, buildings,roads and that there is good reason to use the firearm on that land eg rabbits, deer fox's etc.

The area will not need a 4 mile exclusion zone around it for the simple reason that you should have been deemed responsible on getting you FAC and would be exercising extreme safety at all times.

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