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Open Ticket?

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How does a FAC look different between a 'closed' and an 'open' ticket?


Although I provided permissions on my original applications my FAC states something along the lines of "land that would be deemed suitable by the chief constable" (not sure of precise words as it's in the safe at home). Does it get more open that?


Disregarding what you've asked for - how do do you what you've been granted?



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How does a FAC look different between a 'closed' and an 'open' ticket?


Although I provided permissions on my original applications my FAC states something along the lines of "land that would be deemed suitable by the chief constable" (not sure of precise words as it's in the safe at home). Does it get more open that?


Disregarding what you've asked for - how do do you what you've been granted?



its simple


Open or closed FAC, heres the difference

Open ticket

On an open ticket the following wording is used ,,, land over which the holder has lawful authority to shoot



Non Open Ticket

On an Non open ticket the following wording is used ,,,Land deemed suitable by the Chief officer of Police for the area where the land is situated and over which the Holder has Lawful Authority to Shoot.

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