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reloading 223

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hi guys im wondering what equipment do i need to start homeloading and wot kind of powder ect



a lee chalenger press kit@ £125

set of dies@£32

varget @£46 ish

50 grn v-max heads @£22

primers @£3

calipers for oal

reloading manual

and some one to show you how to put it all together

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This is a good starting point http://www.sportsmanguncentre.co.uk/product/414b151ff382eb1175681929/Lee+Breech+Lock+Challenger+Reloading+Kit+/


Then you need a set of dies, primers, powder, (I use reloder 10x in my .223) bullet heads and cases which you should have if you saved the emptys. Hope this helps.



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if you know someone who reloads that would be a good start as they would already have the kit and you can see what all the equipment is and how it works and what its for.


Next would be a reloading book or just swat up as much as you can off the net on the calibre you intend reloading


There is plenty of reloading data out there for all different bullet weights and powders the choice is endless but you will see most people use "X & Y" as they are proven loads.


All loads are different in each rifle so start LOW in the charge weight and work up until signs tell you to stop


Again its good if you can find someone who reloads and can take you under their wing etc


Equipment wise depends how deep your pockets if you want quality equipment but you will need




Dies (for the Caliber you want to reload eg seating, Full length, neck sizing, body etc. depending how anal you want to be)


Hand/ press Primer


Case prep equipment, (primer uni former/cleaner, neck chafferer case lenght cutter)


loading press, single or turret type




primers (federal CCI Winchester etc)


Heads / Bullets ( Hornaday, Berger, sierra etc.)


Powder (Benchmark, Vit 120, varget etc.)


AOL gauge


Dummy case


Vernier clipers


and plenty of other things but minds gone blank :lol: :lol:



plenty of people on here to help anyway.


My 223 liked 55gr & 60gr Vmax with Benchmark powder and Federal 205M primers


I will be loading my .222 with 40gr Vmax or 30gr Bergers with Vit N120 and Fed 205M aswell (similar to 223)


hth Richard

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Have look on here http://www.opticswarehouse.co.uk/products.asp?cat=Rifle+Reloading+Press+Kit


They did do the 4 turret kit,its just over a hundred quid plus you will need digi verniers (£10 ebay) Lee autoprime (£20 or less, secondhand ones come up on other gun sights and fleabay) Set of dies for your calibre and a reloading manual.

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