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First Shotgun


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Hi guys,


This is my first proper post on the forum, I'm sure you guys get this a lot but I am in a bit of a quandary.

I've seen some of the other threads and you all seem like a friendly and informative bunch!


I am in the market for my first shotgun. I have previously been using a .22 and have also used a Canadian single barrel 10 bore on occasion. Both for pigeon and pest.


My budget is about £400-£450 max unfortunately. My height is around the 5'8 mark if that matters at all?

Ideally I would prefer a 12g O/U and have seen a couple of options which include Baikal, Bettinsoli and a Miroku 800?


Could you guys provide any suggestions or advice to a newbie?


Thanks :good:

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Pick up and handle or better still shoot as many in your price bracket as you can.

When one feels right and kills stuff thats the one!!

Its very difficult to suggest a first gun as shotguns are very singular things even the mass produced ones.

Partly because wood is a nutural product so no two guns feel exactly alike.

You have listed the choices in price order (cheapest first) I would personally look at the Miroku first.

But there is nothing wrong with the others.

The Baikals are like tanks!!

All the best with your choice.

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Hi mate for that money you could get a lanber with all it's chokes and case or a betinsoli or some thing similar. If your gong to shoot game and clays then look for a sporter.you will probably think with your budget you'll struggle to get a half decent gun but there are alot of guns about for that sort of money just hold and mount as many as you can

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go to clay shoots and see if you can try a few there. Also ask why people have the gun they use. If clays are your thing, then look no further for advice. Otherwise you also need to think (and get advice) about why certain gun types are preferred in the countryside. Some also double as clay guns. Generally, over and unders are favourite today. 28-30" barrels will be ok for clay and country. more important to get something in good nick and a reasonable fit, than worry too much about make. you can always go onto more expensive toys, when you have the cash :good: I have tried just about everything from single barrel blackpowder cannons to semi autos. Each has its good points. Have fun

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If it is just live quarry you shoot then side by side , pump or semi auto can also fit the bill as an effective gun as long as it suits you .As said above they all have their benefits and cons .Your stature should not stop you using any particular genre of gun as long as it fits . Other countries with good traditions of shooting are not quite as fixated on the o/u as we are but I do concede it is the one to have if you shoot clays .

PS welcome to the forum.

Edited by vole
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Have a search plenty of threads on the subject 5'8" is well within the normal range those under 5'6" anmd over 6'2" will have more issues with standard stocks, My Money would go a used but looked after Miroku, Lanber or similar rather than a cheaper new gun. If you go SxS you'll get more gun for your money, Again with a semi, O/U especiallyt he better ones hold value well. If you can squeeze a bit more budget I would look for a Miroku MK60/70/38 or Beretta 686 (essential or Onyx might be had for a shade over your budget) If £400 is top whack Lanber Sporter or perhaps a Rizzini, make sure it fits and I suggest you have a few lessons on the clays before you buy a gun.

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