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Was at my mates private range today, shooting thick heavy steel plates at a measured 250 yds, in a gusty wind., Great result, very intersting, using American eagle 55 grain FMJ .223 factory ammo. :lol:

As you can see from the pic, it went right threw. :lol:

Edited by Frank
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How thick was the steel Frank?


Does make you gulp when you see that, it helps to double underline the importance of decent backstops when out shooting :lol:

8 mm Stuart, i will measure it with measuring tape and show you by pic if you want?

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How thick was the steel Frank? Edit: our posts crossed in mid air :lol:


Does make you gulp when you see that, it helps to double underline the importance of decent backstops when out shooting :lol:

What do you shoot with FMJ :lol::lol:


But backstops are a must :lol:

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I think it would take more than your thumb on th eend of the barrel to stop that coming out...

:lol: Thats for sure. :lol:


It was amazing what it did. Some round the .223 :lol: .

I was only practising by the way and just wanted to confirm what i heard, as i dont use FMJ rounds for hunting what so ever, just in case anyone wondered. :lol:

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What do you shoot with FMJ :lol::lol:


But backstops are a must :lol:

Ahh now that would be telling :lol::lol:


Actually I ddin't even raed the title of the post properly before replying so didn't see the 'FMJ bit or the '8mm' bit.


I went to bed at that point which is what I should have done half an hour earlier :lol:

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i'm sure its federal ammo is it frank stamped fc on the base of the brass.

i use fed brass through my 223 and find it to be the dogs wottsits :lol: . its worth saving frank for WHEN u can reload :lol: .

Yes Tommy, its made by Federal.

About the brass, i cant even keep that :lol: , have to give all empty brass to my local firearms dealer till hopefully the reloading law comes into effect, if it does at all. :lol:

Its a crazy made up firearms law over here at present. :lol::lol:

Apparently, if reloading does come in, we can only load up to a 100 at a time. :lol::lol: and have very good reason to reload, being cheaper wont do apparently. :lol::lol:

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Frank, did you shoot at that plate with your normal foxing round to see the difference between the FMJ and Ballistic tip/soft point's??

Not yet Kip, but i will do as soon as i get the chance.

Weather turned nasty yesterday after a while, so we packed up.

As soon as i do i will post results. :o

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i'm sure its federal ammo is it frank stamped fc on the base of the brass.

i use fed brass through my 223 and find it  to be the dogs wottsits :D . its worth saving frank for WHEN u can reload :/ .

Yes Tommy, its made by Federal.

About the brass, i cant even keep that :o , have to give all empty brass to my local firearms dealer till hopefully the reloading law comes into effect, if it does at all. :/

Its a crazy made up firearms law over here at present. :( :(

Apparently, if reloading does come in, we can only load up to a 100 at a time. :oops: :( and have very good reason to reload, being cheaper wont do apparently. :( :(

its not the cost. its consistancy & accuracy that is why i reload mate, cost is a bonus. even if it worked out more costly i would still reload

your right mate its crazy law over there mate :blink: :blink:

Edited by tommy trucker
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its not the cost. its consistancy & accuracy that is why i reload mate' date=' cost is a bonus. even if it worked out more costly i would still reload

your right mate its crazy law over there mate :o :( [/quote']

Trying to explain to our police about consistancy ect, will just go in one ear and out the other. :(

They are very ignorant when it comes to firearms and reloading. :(

What is needed in our police forces over here is someone like you all have in your police force, a FLO, who understands where people like us are coming from. :(

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its not the cost. its consistancy & accuracy that is why i reload mate' date=' cost is a bonus. even if it worked out more costly i would still reload

your right mate its crazy law over there mate :( :( [/quote']

Trying to explain to our police about consistancy ect, will just go in one ear and out the other. :(

They are very ignorant when it comes to firearms and reloading. :/

What is needed in our police forces over here is someone like you all have in your police force, a FLO, who understands where people like us are coming from. :/

can people like BASC not do anything to educate the law in s. ireland


surely a consistant, accurate round is better than one which aint.

i used fed power shocks with the batch i bought i got 1"@ 100yds when i bought some more (differnt batch) i just couldn't get any less than 2" @ 100yds :( :blink: :blink:

so this meant 2" @ 100, 4" @ 200, & 8"@ 300 :oops::D that just was no good to me at all for my type of shooting, in fact it was dangerous in my eyes and could of resulted in a lot of wounded quarry. so i decided to learn how to reload my own and have never looked back since :o


it's accuracy that kills your intended quarry cleanly and instantly :(

Edited by tommy trucker
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can people like BASC not do anything to educate the law in s. ireland


surely a consistant, accurate round is better than one which aint.

i used fed power shocks with the batch i bought i got 1"@ 100yds when i bought some more (differnt batch) i just couldn't get any less than 2" @ 100yds :/ :blink: :blink:

so this meant 2" @ 100, 4" @ 200, & 8"@ 300 :oops::D that just was no good to me at all for my type of shooting, in fact it was dangerous in my eyes and could of resulted in a lot of wounded quarry. so i decided to learn how to reload my own and have never looked back since :(


it's accuracy that kills your intended quarry cleanly and instantly :(

Tommy, i agree with you a 100% mate :(

We have the equivalent to the BASC over here and they are constantly fighting our corner, if not for them, we would of not got this far and i would not have my .223 :/ .

I am a member of this organisation, known over here as N.A.R.G.C= National Association of Regional Game Councils and it pays to join them over here to make irish ownership of leagle firearms stronger. :(


If reloading gets in this summer, i will have to apply to reload and that should be fun and games i can tell you now. :o

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