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Atractor---Sea gull toy


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I am new to this forum so bear with me please. A couple of months back there was an article in one of the Airgun mags about converting a flying sea gull toy ( the type which are suspended from the ceiling and fly around ) to a flying pigeon attractor. The sea gull was given a paint job and the whole thing was slung from a tree. I seem to have lost the article and I was wondering if anyone had seen it and tried the idea as a local shop is selling of the said toy for a couple of quid each and I wondered if it was worth trying them. If they are worth a try how would they be best used.

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Welcome to the forum. :devil:


These toys, if painted up are very realistic looking, and I'm sure they would work.

The only downside is that they are useless in any kind of breeze, let alone a light wind...just the weather we need for good pigeon shooting! ???

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Hi all

Searching through the posts for attractors I can find a lot of references to flappers and magnets but being a new boy I am finding it hard to get a mental picture of the devices as I have never seen them before. As I am quite good with a soldering iron and build my own circuits if I had a better understanding of these devices I could make my own, is there a site where they are explained.



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