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Which Cartridge

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I've got some Gamebore Kent Velocity and Lyalvale English Sporting 28gram 7 1/2s and some 21gram Lyalvale HV 21gram 7 1/2s here for £4 a box and some Gamebore Kent Velocity 30/6 fibre for a fiver a box if you want them. Also have some 20g Gamebore Traditional Game in a 28gram 7 fibre at a fiver a box.

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On the farms I shoot over, apart from some Lucerne, there has been no spring drilling.

One farm has re-drilled some rape patches, which the birds are still feeding on, however this rape is slowly catching up with the rest of the crop.

Some of the strips are only 40 yards wide, which takes a bit of tricky rotary and pattern placement to entice the birds, also there is a pea field which only a 25 yard strip out from the headland.

I all ways use ½ and ¾ chokes and a 32 gram 6.5 in a 30” browning, but with many birds coming an around the 20/30 yard range. I have decided to change to ¼ & ½, and drop down to 28-gram cartridge for a while. As I only use fibre wad, finding a size 6 shot would prove expensive.

So I have purchased some 28 gram 7.5 Kent velocities to try, I went out late afternoon with just the rotary and a box of cartridges. Out of the seven birds I shot, only one was winged and the rest were stone dead at 30 yards.

On the rape patches I have put out quite a lot of flags out using two bamboo sticks per flag, these have worked out quite well, they are easy to take down or move. As I did not take any decoys with me, I broke up one of the bamboo canes and split it with my knife to make stakes to prop up the birds. It worked a treat, I found that the cane will split in to 4 pieces very easy and with the stakes at 8 inches long; you will get a lot out of one cane.



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