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anyone reload with TECNA?

Guest cookoff013

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I use Clay Game data for 3/4oz load in 28bore. I haven’t loaded any recently but I’m sure it’s Techna that I use. Isn’t it a sort of pink chopped up squares like a sheet powder? Not in country at the present so not 100%. When I load I get all the data out check all the stuff 3 times to make sure I’m putting correct stuff with stuff and do a run. Anyway the 28 never ceases to amaze me how well in chops stuff down. Powder goes bang and the bores are reasonably clean so most of it must burn. Still clean bores don’t hit targets.

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Guest cookoff013

bores are clean because the pressures are high enough to provide 100% burn.


thanks for the info, i`ll be trying to compile a 1oz steel load...


i really wanted to know if it meters good. which i`m told it does. that makes it more viable for the project i have.

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Tecna is a black, shiny square flake! It has the habit of 'caking' when compressed in a case. When reclaiming it from badly made shells, it's best to sieve/strain it through a mesh strainer to separate the caked flakes.


A pink, slow-burning flake is probably a UEE PSB variant. (PSB 2) See below, I hope!



Edited by Floating Chamber
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Tecna is a black, shiny square flake! It has the habit of 'caking' when compressed in a case. When reclaiming it from badly made shells, it's best to sieve/strain it through a mesh strainer to separate the caked flakes.


A pink, slow-burning flake is probably a UEE PSB variant. (PSB 2) See below, I hope!



you took the words out of my mouth there FC pink and clean burning :hmm: PSB2

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