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Alligator Squad


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Last night on Discovery prog on Alligator Squad, take great pride in catching rouge Gators


Preferred method 3 inch treble hooks on 200lb line and stand up and fight class Rods, cast over the beastie and foul hook it (all seen on my TV) beastie gets tangled up, tired, and totally ### up, taken away killed sold.


Option two treble hooks and rotten meat leave overnight come back to check in the morning


I don’t have a problem with the killing to protect the public just the method, and the fact that they are happy to show the Gator in distress and death throws but the same tv company will then screen some **** complaining about field sports, so I guess Gator baiting is fine then


Makes my blood boil :oops:


edit for spiling mistook

Edited by pavman
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I have to agree with you that style of gator hunting should be illegal. There or only 2 or 3 states that still allow gator hunting of this style, most are with rifle or bow.


Now before anyone gets up in arms about it gator hunting is a very challenging sport, expecially with bow or crossbow. It is very physically demanding as well as emotionally draining. Mostly done at night, finding, judgeing a legal animal, stalking, shooting, and retrieving takes alot out of you. The meat is fantastic, and you have the option of retaining the hide or selling it to a licenced hide dealer. If you harvest anything over 8 feet you are going to think that you are going to die before you are finished.



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