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1 for 1 variation


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Is there a standard form for a 1 for 1 variation to swap a rimmy for another rimmy?

I have sold my cz452 and want to buy another from the gun shop.

So i need to send off my ticket, details of the gun sold and a variation form, right???

Its west yorkshire police if that helps???

Cheers Dave.

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I take it that you've notified them of the sale,so just ring them up ask them to send you a form which is the same kind of form you originally applied on just list guns held and ammo and what you'd like to acquire.


P.S. I also take it you're aware that there's no fee for a one for one variation.

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I sold my gun today, rang FLO and was told they are very busy and should have forms to me by the end of NEXT WEEK!!!!

I have found relevent variation forms on their website and will print them off tomorrow.

Im not right impressed with this system

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I sold my gun today, rang FLO and was told they are very busy and should have forms to me by the end of NEXT WEEK!!!!

I have found relevent variation forms on their website and will print them off tomorrow.

Im not right impressed with this system


The forms the form, just download it off the net



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Its Not the best system in the world and i causes so much paper work i spoke with my firearms office and they hate sound mods as take up so much time and they hate one for ones i just did a 1 for 1 on a sound mod and it took 3 weeks but there must be a better way which still offers the same amount of control.???

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OH MY GOD........... Im filling in the variation paper work and its as bad as applying in the first place.

It says details of firearms I currantly own, do I havce to include shotguns and empty slots?

If I dont include empty slots will I lose them?

Its bloody hard work.

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