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hi all,


two questions for you if someone could help?


Im putting in for a 1 for 1 variation on my fac, how do i go about it? Do i just fill in the normal application leaving out the photos and referees? And if so where abouts do you put (in my situation) Remove fac air rifle and replace with .223 rifle and sound mod?


I know i can get this calibre as i spoke to the feo today and he said that would be fine.


Secondly the land i want to use the .223 over i bought into a syndicate, i know and the feo knows the land is passed for .223, but will i need to send a written permission letter to the police saying that i have authority to shoot this land. My mate never had to when he applied for his fac.


thanks Matt

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sorry to imform you but a fac air rifle to a rifle and mod arn`t a 1 for 1 so you are going to have to pay for the variation.


well not according to the feo, is that because theres a moderator on there aswell. if so can i put that on a seperate slot and swap the air rifle for the .223 as a 1 for 1 variation???

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If you have a slot for FAC Air AND FAC Air Mod then yes you can do a 1-4-1 for both slots to have .223 and Mod and it will be free.


On the variation form list what you're applying for then under the weapons already in your possesion, list any weapons you own AND any empty slots you want to keep but leave off any that you are intending to lose.


If the amount of slots doesn't change as a result then the variation is free, if it increases then you'll have to pay.



You shouldn't need to mention the new land unless your FLO specifically requests it, they will do this sometimes (it's not unusual if you're asking for permission to shoot deer) and the procedure can vary from one FLO to another so hard to give an accurate answer.


When I applied for a variation to add centrefires to my FAC, I had to send a new permission letter that specifically mentioned Deer.

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