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Popped over to a mate of mine the other night with the 243 to set new scope up on his range! whilst there he said to me he had been watching 4 foxes (cubs) playing in the separate 4 acer field that i sit in most times i go over, now the last time i went i had 3 in one night and after playing with my new scope i couldn't wait to have a go...


His son shot a rabbit that day! so when i arrived in the field i hoped out of the 4x4 to put the opened rabbit out as my mate set the motor up 110 yards away from the spot, then i paced the yards back to him! i got the rifle out put it on the rest and looked up to see a fox on the rabbit we both could not beleave it not 2 mins had passed :o :o so bang fox number 1 down didn't move from the spot :good: , still talking about the first one coming out so quick and still laughing about how you sit still for hours and not see one! with that out popped number 2 fox same spot same result :good: .


Good afternoon! scope smack on and 2 foxes in the bag..


Thanks :)



Edited by Shotgunspud
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Great result there mate, if only we could all get results that easily! :good:

So was it straight back home for an early bath followed by a good rub down with the sporting wife! :lol::lol::lol:


Frenchieboy back home early yes!!! but sporting wife rub down cant remember that one happening :lol: :lol: :lol:

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