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What calibre to go for????


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Hi all,


In the coming weeks I'm going to apply for my fac, I'm thinking .22lr for bunnies & .22 Hornet for fox.

Am I going to be wasting my time putting the Hornet down, being as it's my first application??


Any input or advise appriciated



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you wont be wasting your time. as its your first application for a FAC then your force/area may not want you to have a cf on first application allbeit its the very low end of the cf scale. if it were me id apply for just 17hmr and .22lr use them for a bit and gain some experiance then apply for a .22 hornet after then. if you cant wait then just put in for it now with .22lr and .17hmr so you can use any and either plus if you didnt want to use the .22lr you could always swop the spare slot for something you do want in future for free. also if you have had previous cf experiance and can prove it that will help you alot to get the .22 hornet. plus if your land is cleared for .223 id go for that for foxes instead of .22 hornet where there isnt as big a choice of ammo or rifles as there is for .223. good luck and you never know unless you ask they can only say no.

Edited by Bowen20
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