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Hi Guys,


Any advice appreciated on this one. When sending Merlin for a retreive he will always go and get whatever has been thrown but he will not give it to me. He will hold on to it and I have tried taking the dummy or toy from him but this turns into a tug of war game to him.


The only way I can get him to drop is to have another dummy ready to throw. By doing this he will drop the first dummy on his way back to me.





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I am not sure about that I will try tonight, If I sit him on my left and tell him to wait and then throw the dummy he will stay sitting until told and then he will fetch it. But on his return he will not let you have it back.





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When I asked that , I meant without throwing the bumper. Just sit him beside you and see if he will take a bumper held in front of him at mouth level. Hold the bumper about 6 inches away, and as you bring it towards him say fetch ...or whatever your command is.


I would like to work an exercise controlled beside you, instead of while he is returning with a retrieve if at all possible. Let me know later tonight and then I can wright something up for you.



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Hi Dan,


If I tell Merlin "close" which is the command to get him to sit in the heel position and then hold a dummy in front of him he tries to grab it and run off with it.


If I tell him "close" and then "wait" he will sit and look at the dummy for a few seconds and then he will break off and try and get the dummy.


If I move it towards him I don't need to say fetch as he makes a grab for it.


I hope this helps you help me.





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Okay Martin I am trying to come to terms with which way I want to go ahead with this, so I need to know if you have him sitting and go to give him a treat does he just grab it or do you have a command to make him wait, before he can have it?


What I want to do is teach him to take the dummy on command, and to release the dummy on command while sitting beside you on a leash. Then we can proceed to retrieving.



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If I tell him to "Watch" then he will sit and look at you when giving him a treat and by saying "Gently" he will wait until the treat is almost in his mouth before taking it.


He doesn't really grab at treats, although sometimes if you hold it a bit too high he will jump up.





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Do you ever sleep? You were on here last night (UK Time ) and you are on here again this morning.


I have never been able to drink coffee at 5.30 AM as I am normally asleep.


Thanks for all your help



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I was in bed by 10:30 last night :lol::lol: and that was late as if I am not out with the dogs it is usually around 9pm.....getting old.


Get up around 4:45 with Trix so that I can be sure to get her out the door and on her way to work :lol::lol: After all she does have to keep me in the manner I have become accustomed to :blink: :lol::lol:



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I would like you to try the following;


Place your dog on a lead, and sit him by your side. Have a pocket of small treats ready.


With the lead held firmly in your left hand, bring the bumper in front of him about 12" away from his muzzel.


Give the "watch" command , and bring the bumper towards him , giving the "gently" command.


If he lunges for the bumper hold him back with the lead, and give a stern "NO"


When he sits and takes the bumper on command, let him hold it and praise him. Pet him and do not be in a hurry to take it from him. Let him hold it for a good minute, renforcing him with praise whole time.


To get the bumper back from him, hold a treat in your right hand in front of him.


Give the "watch" command and then with the bumper griped in your left hand, give your "release command".....Out, Leave or whatever you are using.

At the same time bring the treat forward, and give the "gentle" command for the treat.


Note: when taking a bumper you should never just try to pull the bumper forward...always push with slight pressure towards the back of the mouth. This causes the dog to open the mouth and release the presure he has on it. This inturn takes away the ability to clamp down and play tug.


Be sure he gets the treat as soon as the bumper clears his mouth.


Once he performs the above without and clamping down or hesidancy to give up the bumper, sit him beside you and give the bumper a short toss.


Have a treat ready in your right hand when he has picked the bumper, call him ....be sure to have the treat ready in your right hand and held low in front of you. This will entice him to return to you.


When he returns tell him to sit either in front of you or in the heel position ....your choice....( be sure to allow him to hold the bumper for at least 1/2 a minute and then repeat the above, only giving the treat when he releases the bumper.



Under no circumstance chase him, stand still until he returns to you.


Once he is returning and releasing the bumper cleanly start reducing the treats, until they are no longer required.


Note: Be sure to use a treat that he really really wants....cut up hot dogs usually work well for this.



Let me know when you run into a snag, and I will try to help you through it. Keep the sessions short no more than 12 per session, and always end on a positive note.




If you have ANY questions ask. :lol:

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Hi Dan,


Yes I tried it and it wasn't to bad.


He would sit and stay and when the dummy was held about 8" away he just watched. The first few time he made a grab for it but a quick flick with the lead and NO stopped that.


Getting the dummy back proved to be a little harder so after about 10 attempts I stopped.


I attended my first gundog training class on sunday and Merlin was a nightmare, he wouldn't do anything other than a sit stay, which he has always been quite good at.


My instructor has taken me back to the beginning and is starting from scratch with me, I had a one to one lesson with her last night and it was like I had taken a different dog with me.


He walked to heel the entire time, When let of the lead he stayed with us, and when told to stay and then a ball was thrown he sat and watched it land and would only go and get it when told.


She also advised not to do any retreives at the moment and to alway ensure that I pick up the ball, This will then be atreat to him when he is allowed.


I will keep you up to date on how Merlin is getting on.


Thanks once again for the good advice and training program, it will be used. :P





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An update on how the training is going,


I had my second one to one training seesion last night, Julie showed me how to get Merlin to hunt. By having him sit on your left I say "hiloss" and cast him off to the right with my right arm out. Once he has gone out to the right I walk left and hold my left arm out. Merlin then turns and goes left. Again as soon as he has past me I go right again.


This all went to plan on the field where the training was held.


This morning I tried it and he wasn't too bad, he did keep creeping out in front but not too far and he does close in again when whistled.


The stop whistle isn't too bad either, He will stop on the single pip 90% of the time and getting better.





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  • 3 weeks later...



Another question for you, Merlin has come on well with the retreives and getting the dummy back is not a problem.


The problem I am having now is getting Merlin to deliver it to me. He either stops short and drops the dummy or will run past me and drop it behind me.


On the odd occasion he will run past my right side run around me and sit on my left and spit the dummy out.


I have tried backing myself against a wall and he will stop short and drop the dummy.


Any advice anybody???





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hi martin, i am having the same problem and can sympaphize with you fully! It is highly annoying and almost makes the dog not letting go of the dummy a good thing! I am still struggling with my dog after trying for many a month.

When i asked the pickers up on the estate that i work, they told me to hold the dummy in his mouth and say HOLD firmly, keep at it and when he has go the dummy and u are whistling/calling him keep saying HOLD. My 9 month old black lab is starting to come along but not 100%.

If anyone else has any tips on how to overcome this problem, i too will be gratefull.

Many thanks,


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He will take the dummy from me if I tell him to fetch. If I don't say anything or say "leave it" then he won't take it.


He is improving on the delivery, usually the first 2 or 3 per day are spot on then he starts running past or dropping short. I am wondering if he is getting bored, I have started to do blind retreives with him which seems to have fired his enthusiasm and he has started to bring the dummy back to in front of me and drop it. He doesn't sit up and let me take it from him.





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He might very well be getting boared. I would try to get him holding the dummy ontill you take it from him though.

When you first got him and were playing with him as a pup, when you through a retrieve for him how long did you wait to take it from him when he brought it back?


To start to work on the hold, you will have to stop all retrieving exercises for about 7 to 10 days.


Have him sit beside you, tell him to fetch and get the bumper into his mouth. Tell him hold, and praise. VERY IMPORTANT ....DO NOT ALLOW HIM TO GET THE BUMPER OUT OF HIS MOUTH AT THIS POINT UNTILL YOU TELL HIM OUT....or whatever your release command is.

I find if he starts to roll the bumper as if he is going to drop it place your thumb under his muzzel and your first two fingers over his muzzel. This will allow you to keep pressure on the dummy untill he settles again.

Once he is calmly holding it tell him good boy, give your release command praise again and give him a treat. Work this exercise 2 times a day for about 20 minutes each set.

Remember to lengthen out slowly, and to command hold.



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