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CZ Stock part two.


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[Yes I know this is the craft and DIY section and not the for sale section, but this is more likely to be seen and appreciated by the DIY 'ers, so please don't move it. I will stick a link accross in the fore sale bit as well.]




The second stock arrived yesterday, and as I made good the original (and seem to be getting increasingly impatient in old age!) I no longer need this one.

Without wishing to make it sound like a sales pitch, it is far better than the first one, despite being made of a lighter piece of wood, it will darken considerably with oil as did the first one.


For those who are not aware of the story or what is involved in finishing these stocks, have look further down in this section to read the story of MK 1 and also to see how well they can come out.


It is inlet for a CZ527 .223 normal barrel, so it will take a varmint barrel it will just need opening out a bit. It may take other actions or calibres but you will need to research that if you want to give it a go.


Anyone who wants it, let me know ASAP (impatience again) and I will ship it out to you. I will take £50 + P&P, which will help recover some of the cost of the first one, that cost me closer to £100 landed as I got hit with import duty :lol:


I also have to original CZ stock which I know don't need anyone who wants that can have it for £20 +p&p.


Any questions, stick them up here or PM me.






Edited by stuartp
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  • 2 weeks later...

I now have a problem


I started sanding and generally prep 'ing this stock and so far have put about 20 hours into it

It has now started to come to life, trouble is I like it as much as the first one but can't use both :lol:


The pictures have come out badly for some reason, and don't do it any justice, but here there are anyway..




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Slave to the grind eh Stuart, you love it.


Stock looks great. :lol:



Althought there have been 'comments' at home about the amount of time I spend rubbing :D

I find myself what ever the opposite of a Sako quad is, I have:


CZ .223 now with 3 stocks!

Tikka M695 with 2 stocks, soon to be 3!


Still, at least you don't need variations for stocks :good:

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Slave to the grind eh Stuart, you love it.


Stock looks great. :lol:



Althought there have been 'comments' at home about the amount of time I spend rubbing :D

I find myself what ever the opposite of a Sako quad is, I have:


CZ .223 now with 3 stocks!

Tikka M695 with 2 stocks, soon to be 3!


Still, at least you don't need variations for stocks :D



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