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privi partizan

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You really need to try a box through your rifle to see how the barrel likes it mate! I used to use PRVI Partizan all the time in a 22-250 when I first started with centre fires, then in a .222 and also in my (current) .243! It was pretty consistent and fairly accurate - And of course near half the price of some other ammunition!

Through my .243 it will give me near enough a 1 inch group at 100 yards using 100g Soft Points which is quite acceptable. The only down side to using it in my .243 is that I can only get it in 100g which can be a little "heavy" for foxing so I have swapped to using home loads with 70g Blitz Kings for foxing but I still keep some Partizan 100g to use for deer.

When you try some you will almost certainly have to re-zero your rifle but don't worry about that initially, the more important thing is to see what size of group it will shoot through your rifle - There will not be much point in re-zeroing if your rifle doesn't like them and will not offer an acceptable group!

Many of the shops around our way are charging between £18.00 - £22.50 per box of "branded" ammunition whereas partizan (In .243) only costs around £11.50 Per box (On average) - Quite a saving so well worth a try - Invest in one box to start with and see how you get on!


Hi Frenchie,


Where do you purchase your partizan ammo from? Nearest place I no that sells them is Henry Krank.





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